Founded to offer self defence classes to victims of domestic abuse and gender based violence, and to help adults with mental health issues.

Helping People and Supporting Communities

In Your Corner (SCIO) is a charity based in Milngavie which was founded to offer self defence classes to victims of domestic abuse and gender based violence, and to help adults with mental health issues.  We provide these services by delivering a safe and secure environment for those who are in need. We are focused on helping people, building their confidence and improving their health and fitness along the way.

We are delighted to be working alongside Glasgow women’s aid and EDC women’s aid in providing a place to learn new skills and build their self-confidence. Please contact us if you wish to talk to us about the classes or go through woman’s aid.

Domestic ABUSE

Domestic Abuse occurs in many forms. Whether you are a victim of emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse, there are people, services and organisations that can help.


Mental health issue have had a stigma attached for too long, we at In Your Corner believe exercise and talking to people are essential and helping them cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life, from having a coffee and a chat to one to one or small group fitness classes. In Your Corner provides this service for people who need it.